Yassin company for the production of women's clothing
Yassin company is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing
Khansaa company for the manufacture and trade Oriental Abaya and Abaya Moroccan and Jalabiyah and th
Khansaa company for the manufacture and trade Oriental Abaya and Abaya Moroccan and Jalabiyah and th
Massaya Mode Company For Women's clothing - Dress - Taior
Company specializing in the production of women's dress Massaya Mode company produces more than 400 model year and distributed in more than 200 shops in modern Syria and the Arab states in providing high quality customer service.
Dacolta company for the manufacture and trade of women's clothing
Company specializing in industry and trade high-end women's clothing ..
Almaseh Company For Making And Trading Clothes Women,s
Almasa is a company specializing in the manufacture and trade of women's clothing
Valancia Company
Valencia is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing (blackboards) + Evening dresses
Rena Rossi Company
Reina Russian company is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing and blackboards
Stella 1 Company
Stella Company 1 is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing (casuals)
Edwar & Ghassan Haddad company
Company roles and Ghassan Haddad is a company specializing in the manufacture of and trade in jeans and apparel
Monroe May Company for the manufacture of women's clothing
Company specializing in the manufacture of Alalbshalencaúah ..
Epro company
Ebro is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing
Sporat Danza
Danza is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing
Company Chkchk Style is a company specializing in the manufacture of women's clothing (Manto Tranchkot jacket Abaya)
Madarati Company
Mdarata company is a company specialized in the field of women's clothing (Abaya - Manto)